Oelbaum Biography
Oelbaum holds a BFA equivalent from the Ontario College of Art in Toronto, Canada;
she studied painting in Florence, Italy under the direction of the late Aba Bayefski
and received her MA in Gallery Administration from the State University of New
York, F.I.T campus. She has worked with such prominent art dealers as Rosa Esman,
and Gracie Mansion in NYC. She is currently the Michigan representative for the
Feminist Art Project, and the Vice President of the Midwest Region for the National
Women’s Caucus for Art as well as the foundational President of the Michigan
Chapter of the Women’s Caucus for Art. Although a classically trained painter
Oelbaum currently works in mixed media, “I work in what ever medium best
supports my message. I consider myself a Feminist Activist Artist.”
Photography plays a big role in Oelbaum’s work, as reference material,
inspiration, and as documentation of her installation and performance art not
unlike the work of Joanna Frueh. Like Frueh she enlists the work of other photographers,
and with her direction they help her complete her vision. In works such as “Does
This Make My Dick Look Big” an installation of discarded random plates with
photo transfers of images appropriated from people’s social networking sites
she creates a humorous dialogue on the culture of “man” in her search
for new ways to reverse the gaze.
She is currently working on a large
scale installation which is both a physical and visual attack and commentary on
the US government’s supposed “War on Obesity” and the multi-billion
dollar diet industry. She wrote for her thesis on the artist May Wilson: 1905-1986
A Catalogue for the May Wilson Study Collection. Over the years, Oelbaum has amassed
quite a collection of art. She feels a significant way to support women in the
arts is to focus her collecting on them. Her work has appeared in the book "Art
in the Age of Terrorism" Edited by Graham Coulter-Smith and Maurice Owen.
She received mention in the June and July 2007 issue of Art in America for her
work in the show "What F Word" Curated by Carol Cole at the Cynthia
Broan Gallery in New York City. An essay entitled "The Venus of Willendorf
Project", about her most recent work is in publication. It can be found in
a book called "Collecting and the Internet: The Pursuit of Old Passions Through
the Use of New Technologies" edited by Susan Koppelman and Alison Franks
Oelbaum Midwest Region, Vice-President, WCA boelbaum@yahoo.com President,
Michigan Chapter of the Women's Caucus for Art group e-mail feminist-art-project-michigan@yahoogroups.com WCA
MI Blog: http://miwca.wordpress.com National
website http://www.nationalwca.org (734)
645-9024 Regional Coordinator for the Feminist Art Project-Michigan http://feministartproject.rutgers.edu/
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