Private Dirge
for Anutüa, Breb,Romania, 2000
The first duty for a person who finds a dead body is to light a candle to
scare away the spirit of death. That is followed by three days of preparations
for the funeral. Villages have no undertakers. Families would rather dress
their departed family members themselves. Anutsa's cousin cries out a sing-song
mourning dirge while her relatives prepare for the priest and the village
waits in her courtyard outside. She cries the words of "mother"
as they do when mourning a female relative.
Bocet pentru Anutüa, Sarbi,Romania, 2000
Prima ”ndatorire pentru o persoanaù care gaùsesüte un corp ne”nsufletüit e
saù aprindaù o lum‰nare pentru a face trecerea spiritului spre Òlumea de dincoloÓ.
Aceasta e urmataù de trei zile de pregaùtire pentru ”nmorm‰ntare. Satele nu
au antreprenor de pompe funerare. Membrii familiei preferaù saù-süi ”mbrace
mortüii. Verisüoara Anutüei bocesüte ”n timp ce rudele süi saùtenii asüteaptaù
venirea preotului. Ea strigaù cuv‰ntul ÒmamaùÓ, asüa cum spun saùtenii c‰nd
”nmorm‰nteazaù o rudaù baùtr‰naù.