WIPI MEMBER ONLY submissions
Membership Links: each member receives either an e-mail or web page ICON link per member name.
LINK UPDATES must be received the 15th of each month for update on the 1st of the following month if received after the 15th, link changes or additions may be held over until the following month. send LINK updates to webmaster@womeninohotography.org. We try to post links as quickly as we can. So check website for updates.
ARTICLES:PRO & CHARTER MEMBERS **ALL FIRST TIME Editorial or Gallery submissions Send a brief note in an e-mail about your editorial or gallery submission. Once we receive your brief description we will send you further instructions regarding submission. Submission Check list is required
1st Send a brief description of your article by e-mail to Editor at members@WomenInPhotography.org
*** DO NOT SEND IMAGES VIA e-mail ATTACHMENT. If you are a member and have a website we can visit send us the link. WIPI DOES NOT ACCEPT unsolicited attachments or images.
Please see archives for past f2-eZine articles
MEMBERS ARE INVITED TO SUBMIT their work for consideration in the members gallery. If your work is available on line, send your web site address. Send required JPEG images on CD. Expect a possible 3 month review period before the Editor contacts you for further arrangements.
We do not open unsolicited attachments of any kind.Include thumbnail "print out" of images AS WELL AS Word or Claris DOC BIO/Resume
(see Archives for examples of past galleries or F2-eZine articles See Submission Check ListPLEASE, DO NOT SEND IMAGES AS ATTACHMENTS THROUGH E-MAIL unless specifically requested by WIPI staff. i.e., PhotoProfile *** NOTE: Any unrequested text doc or photo doc will be deleted unless a request has been made.
"In Memory Of" contact WIPI to submit story, images for Historical Gallery
members@womeninphotography.org*** CHARTER MEMBER ***
As a CHARTER Member, you are eligible to submit for consideration a 24 image Member Portfolio with resume & BIO/statement, which upon selection, will appear in the Member Gallery, Home page visibility and Gallery Page File and remain in the archive
Charter Members may submit Feature Story for F2-eZine
Follow PRO guidelines
*** Professional Gallery Guidelines ***
GALLERY As a PRO Member, you are eligible to submit for consideration a 8 image Member Portfolio with resume & BIO/statement, which upon selection, will appear in the Member Gallery, Home page visibility and Gallery Page File and remain in the archive
1) ALL work must be submitted on clearly marked CD,
2) SEND 20 images maximum (72 dpi JPEG (6" x 8" largest for at least one height or width of image 600 pixels or 150 dpi TIFF image, 3" x 5")
3) Image files should read last name and image number per image
i.e., janecamera01.jpg, janecamera02.jpg, janecamera03.jpg
4) BIO WORD Doc, should read at least last name. janecamerabio or camerabio
5) INCLUDE: printout of contents of the CD plus print out of thumbnail images
6) Make sure all titles and bio/resume text is formatted into a WORD DOC.
** PRO Members Feature ARTICLES for F2-eZine **
Editorials/ WIPI NEWS: 1000 words maximum. Longer articles will be accepted provided there is a link for additional text to another site outside of the WIPI online site. (See above submission info and editorial deadlines) WIPI Editorials in the WIPI News section are reserved for PRO & CHARTER member submission or special content chosen by the editor. (images minimum of 8 images sent via CD. Follow Gallery instructions above)7) Each Image must have WORD doc with information listing Image number and
Title, Date (required) and (Location, if important) for each image and any short text that would accompany test. send w/CD as WORD doc, ALL ON ONE PAGE... DO NOT SEND sepearte pages for each image.8) (These instructions must be followed accordingly, so print them out and make a check list. We cannot sort through material and guess what goes with what or who's work we are looking at. EVERYTHING MUST BE CLEARLY identified with Submission Check List included
9) CD SUBMISSION send to: Women In Photography International, 569 N. Rossmore Ave. #604, Los Angeles, CA 90004. If you want to know if the work has been received, then send via Priority Mail with delivery confirmation or use UPS or Fed-Ex with tracking number. If you are sending from out of the USA. Write to members@womeninphotography.org for instructions.
PhotoProfile Submission INFO
*** General Member Gallery ***
GENERAL Members are entitled to have their personal web site link or e-mail placed on the WIPI web site where it will be viewed by thousands of photographers, photo educators, photo agencies and photo organizations around the world. see General Member Links
GALLERY As a General Member, you are eligible to submit for consideration a 4 image
Portfolio with resume & BIO/statement, which upon selection, will appear in the Member Gallery, Home page visibility and Gallery Page File and remain in the archive
1) ALL work must be submitted on clearly marked CD,
2) SEND 10 images maximum (72 dpi JPEG (6" x 8" largest for at least one height or width of image 600 pixels or 150 dpi TIFF image, 3" x 5")
3) Image files should read last name and image number per image
i.e., janecamera01.jpg, janecamera02.jpg, janecamera03.jpg
4) BIO WORD Doc, should read at least last name. janecamerabio or camerabio
5) INCLUDE: printout of contents of the CD plus print out of thumbnail images
6) Make sure all titles and bio/resume text is formatted into a WORD DOC.7) Ona the CD, each Image must have WORD doc with information listing Image number and
Title, Date (required) and (Location, if important) for each image and any short text that would accompany test. send w/CD as WORD doc, ALL ON ONE PAGE... DO NOT SEND sepearte pages for each image.8) These instructions must be followed accordingly, so print them out and make a check list. We cannot sort through material and guess what goes with what or who's work we are looking at. EVERYTHING MUST BE CLEARLY identified with Submission Check List included
9) CD SUBMISSION send to: Women In Photography International, 569 N. Rossmore Ave. #604, Los Angeles, CA 90004. If you want to know if the work has been received, then send via Priority Mail with delivery confirmation or use UPS or Fed-Ex with tracking number. If you are sending from out of the USA. Write to members@womeninphotography.org for instructions.
PhotoProfile Submission INFO
(These instructions must be followed accordingly, so print them out and make a check list. We cannot sort through material and guess what goes with what or who's work we are looking at. EVERYTHING MUST BE CLEARLY identified.
*** Student Gallery ***
GALLERY As a STUDENT Member, you are eligible to submit for consideration a 2 image
Portfolio with resume & BIO/statement, which upon selection, will appear in the Member Gallery, Home page visibility and Gallery Page File and remain in the archive)
1) ALL work must be submitted on clearly marked CD,
2) SEND 5 images maximum (72 dpi JPEG (6" x 8" largest for at least one height or width of image 600 pixels or 150 dpi TIFF image, 3" x 5")
3) Image files should read last name and image number per image
i.e., janecamera01.jpg, janecamera02.jpg, janecamera03.jpg
4) BIO WORD Doc, should read at least last name. janecamerabio or camerabio
5) INCLUDE: printout of contents of the CD plus print out of thumbnail images
6) Make sure all titles and bio/resume text is formatted into a WORD DOC.7) Each Image must have WORD doc with information listing Image number and
Title, Date (required) and (Location, if important) for each image and any short text that would accompany test. send w/CD as WORD doc, ALL ON ONE PAGE... DO NOT SEND sepearte pages for each image.8) (These instructions must be followed accordingly, so print them out and make a check list. We cannot sort through material and guess what goes with what or who's work we are looking at. EVERYTHING MUST BE CLEARLY identified with Submission Check List included
9) CD SUBMISSION send to: Women In Photography International, 569 N. Rossmore Ave. #604, Los Angeles, CA 90004. If you want to know if the work has been received, then send via Priority Mail with delivery confirmation or use UPS or Fed-Ex with tracking number. If you are sending from out of the USA. Write to members@womeninphotography.org for instructions.
1) Please make sure your image titles matches your DOC file.
2) Make sure all your files are clearly marked to reflect content of files, either text or images. BIO File should read JohnDoebio. Often we receive images that have titles like unidentified jpeg's such as JPEG1..
It is totally impossible to handle with so many photo when they are marked poorley.
TIFF images. Due to the need to make adjustments, you can either send JPEG's or TIFF images 150 dpi images to assure the transfer and size adjustments.(see gallery info above for sizes) at least one side width or height 600 pixels
**********************************************************************Editorials/ WIPI NEWS :1000 words maximum. Longer articles will be accepted provided there is a link for additional text to another site outside of the WIPI online site. (See above submission info and editorial deadlines) WIPI Editorials in the WIPI News section are reserved for PRO member submission or special content chosen by the editor. (images minimum of 8 images sent via CD. Follow Gallery instructions above)
Marketing News: 1000 words maximum (see above submission info and editorial deadlines)
Book Reviews: 500 words, maximum. Longer articles will be accepted provided there is a link for additional text to another site outside of the WIPI online site. (See above submission info and editorial deadlines) WIPI PRO member book reviews are encouraged
Industry News: Product Display: 500 words or less, all product display ads/information sheets are required to offer discounts to Members. Submission w/logo required 30 day prior to publication.
Workshops: Listings of PRO member workshops require date, place and brief description. We encourage discount to WIPI members. Submissions must be received 30 days prior to monthly update.
Competitions: 50-400 word description (shorter and more concise the better), plus title, address & contact info and deadline date are required for publication. All submissions must have a deadline date unless it's an ongoing program. Submit: 30 days prior to 1st of each month (NO ATTACHMENTS) Text only in the e-mail message area month.
Guidelines for Classified & Services: 50-75 words or less, plus address and contact information. All Employment listings require a deadline date, e-mail address and/or phone number. Submit no later than the 15th of each month. Post update: 1st of following month.
See F2-eZine for sections and samples
We hope this submission page answers some of your questions. Please contact us if we have overlooked something by writing to: members@WomenInPhotography.org
Women In Photography International / www.WomenInPhotography.com, .net, or .org is not to be held responsible for any reason for any editorial or printed information submitted by members, authors or photographers, or anyone, known as a "contributor".Women In Photography International reserves the right to promote and exhibit all work submitted by a "contributor" to the organization and accepted for use, including the recognition of WIPI awards and scholarships.
It is the responsibility of the artist, photographer, writer, or company to provide Women In Photography International with copyrighted material. The "contributor" shall hold Women In Photography International harmless from and against any loss, expense, or damage occasioned by any claim, demand, suit or recovery against the "contributor" arising out of the use of the images for the Women In Photography International online web site.
***See (ASMP) American Society of Media Photographers ***
Free Online - Guidelines and Checklists: Copyright Guide For Photographers
ALL work must be previously edited ready for publication with links listed, credits and copyright information noted.TIME TABLE
Membership link update: 15th of each month, post by 1st of the following monthFirst time Submission: Gallery, Editorial, Book Reviews and Articles 3 months prior to Quarterly schedule.
Industry News: 30-60 days prior 1st of month
Competitions: 30-60 days prior 1st of month
Classified: 30 days prior 1st of the following month
TEXT ( word count - send e-mail only - NO attachments unless requested )
Biographical: Text RESUME and STATEMENT send via e-mail or WORD doc.
F2-eZine Editorial
WIPI News text: 500-750 words
Industry News Text: 500-700 words
Competitions: 50-75 words content, plus title and address info
Classified: 50-75 words content, plus title and address info
CD SUBMISSIONS w/images and text require Submission Check List
PLEASE remember to give ALL Your information in the e-mail. Just Joan or Betty ... WHO?, send e-mail address and phone number...and if you are working or not home, give us a good time to reach you!